Our Story

We train B2B FinTech firms to approach technology sales in a more effective way: concentrate on the business needs of the financial institution. This approach evolved from first-hand experience marketing technology products to hundreds of firms in financial services. Even the best technology solutions need effective strategies for successful adoption.

The principals of Firestone Consulting have been at the nexus of financial services and technology for more than 30 years, combining both Wall Street and FinTech experience. We have created and deployed financial and technical applications on Wall Street and successfully represented technology and data providers by selling their products to firms in financial services.

Firestone Consulting was founded in 2001 to provide analytical insight into the mortgage- and asset-backed securities markets. The company then expanded its scope to include sales representation of B2B FinTech firms, closing deals with over 70 financial firms including money managers, hedge funds, and Wall Street dealers. Today, our approach is to empower FinTech firms to realize their sales potential.