
Firestone Consulting has transformed several FinTech companies by dramatically improving their sales. In one case, annual revenue for a two-year-old company increased from $500k to $12mm over a five-year period using customized sales techniques. Most of these new customers were firms in financial services which are some of the most sophisticated buyers of technology. While these sales methods do not apply in every situation, Firestone Consulting can train a wide variety of FinTech firms to achieve a significant improvement in both market presence and closing rates.

The primary offering from Firestone Consulting is Business Development Consulting. Additional services take advantage of the principals’ extensive experience working in financial services.

Business Development Consulting


Even the best technology solutions need effective strategies for successful adoption.

We deliver proven strategies to increase sales of technology and data products to firms in financial services. These strategies are drawn from decades of experience developing and selling technology within the financial services industry.

We offer strategic insight into the sales cycle for technology products including the approval process, trial periods, product pricing, contract issues, and many others.

We advance the sales cycle by analyzing and optimizing the existing meeting pitch. We shorten the sales cycle based on our experience getting external technology products approved.

This service benefits:

  • Venture capital firms with B2B FinTech companies in their portfolio

  • Startup B2B FinTech companies, even as they build out their products

  • Established B2B FinTech firms that want to supercharge sales

  • Other technology-centric firms

  • Data providers

Other Services

Unlocking the Value of Internal Data


Maximize the value of internal data assets by creating data products that can be sold to institutions in financial services. As an expert in converting data into actionable information, we identify new business lines from existing assets.

Tracking Asset Performance


Develop surveillance reporting for mortgage- and asset-backed loans and securities. We defined many of the market standards for understanding the historical performance of these financial assets.

Training and Development


Provide business teams with strategies for selling technology. We can also train teams in mortgage-backed and asset-backed market concepts, products, and analytical methods. Mr. Firestone taught bond math and mortgage market fundamentals for over ten years to MBA hires and other employees on Wall Street.

Speaking Engagements


Mr. Firestone speaks at industry-wide conferences as a subject-matter expert on the MBS & ABS markets. He is also available to speak about technology sales for keynote addresses, panel discussions, television appearances, and virtual events.